
List of Eligible Associations for 2nd Membership Verification of Executives Association in BSNL: SR Cell, CO BSNL issued the list of eligible associations for 2nd Membership Verification of Executives Association in BSNL.

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The following Associations are eligible for 2nd Membership Verification of
Executives Association in BSNL.

1.AIGETOA (All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association)
2.AIBSNLEA (All India BSNL Executive Association)
3.AIBSNLOA (All India BSNL Officers Association)
4.AITEEA (All India Telecom Executive & Engineers Association)
5. BEA(Bahujan Executives Association of BSNL)
6.BASE (BSNL Association of Serving Executives)
7.BESA (BSNL Executive Service Association)
8.SNEA (Sanchar Nigam Executive Association)
9. TOA(Telecom Officers Association)

AIGETOA is participating the membership verification for the first time. Friends, Let’s all unite and give chance to AIGETOA who can work for better careers and resolution of issues. Let’s join hands with AIGETOA by filling the membership subscription form. Lets Unite for Change, Lets unite For Progress.

All DS should utilize the last day of subscription window i.e. 15th July 2020 and arrange to submit to forms through Email or Fax to respective DDOs.

By admin